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Best Rub Earning Sites | Earn 3000 Rubles Month

How to Earn 3000 Rubles Month

There are many ruble earning sites. 
Join and work for 10 sites.
 1 site earning = 10 rubs/daily
10 sites earning = 100 rubs/daily
30 days * 100 rubs = 3000 rubs/month
How to earn 3000 rubles Month

Best Rub Earning Websites

But most of the sites, earning per day is less than 1 rub. So we have to choose some good sites. Also if you work with mobile it will be good. 

Earn rubs by completing Easy Task:   
1) tiktok subscribe = 0.50 rub per task.
2) vk share, like, subscribe
3) Watching youtube videos, subscribe, commenting job
4) Retweet, commenting, following job
5) telegram channel joining etc.

Tools You need: 
A Mobile, Laptop or PC.
Eight social media accounts
(facebook, X, VK, telegram, youtube, tiktok, instagram(ig), pinterest.)

Top rubles earning sites: 

2) avso

Earning method: 
a. Put their banner on your site earn from impression.
b. Referring
c. Surfing or visiting other sites.
Min withdraw: 2 rubs. 
Payment: Payeer